Saturday, December 26, 2009

Reply to Bob's Reply

Bob posted this comment: "Thank you Dr, Rubens, I really appreciate and need your support. ALthough I have no idea why I am telling you all of this, since with all my respect, you'll b dead in a couple of centuries anyways. I am French, but I have always lived in Zimbabwe - which explains why I speak English. Yes, those men let me down, they fail to see the masculine side of being a vampire. Trust me, its hard! Oh I did find a soulmate in England. But I found her in Derbyshire. She makes cookies. Although she is a human being, I take the responsobility to protect her and so far, failed to eat her, so I guess I'll be fine.
Thanks for the wishes, in return for you support, I can answer any questions as long as they aren't too private (about my lifestyle).
Bob van Brown"

I'm very grateful for your insight on being a vampire today. I don't mind at all being dead as I've already led a full life and hopefully will be around for 40 more years! Your English is very good, and maybe if you talk to your friends about the strength and speed that comes with being a vampire they will be more forgiving. I'm so glad you found a mate in Derbyshire. I have heard it's great for hunting sheep. As a French vampire I suppose that you eat food with more pleasure than the Irish ones. I hope that you continue to preserve your mate's life, and perhaps open up to her to relieve some of your stress. I can think of no questions at the present time as my research was quite thorough, but I will be sure to think of you if I can think of any queries.

Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. Hello again. As much as I love this website, it seems like it's a joke and no one is taking me seriously. I have a very sentetive personality and please choose your words carefully. Although I can smell all of you all the way from Derbyshire - you and the keyboard, still please be carefull about your vocabulary. If I could, I would hire a phsychiatrist, but I am afraid I will be so traumatized, that I would eat him and then would be in depression for the.... for the next couple of centuries. Since I am gifted in a way that I can understand animal talk. So I made this sheep friend. I do apologise for all the details but I had to share it with someone else, since my fellow sheep friend Delilah seems to be eating. Go ahead if you think of any questions,
