Saturday, December 26, 2009

Reply to Bob's Reply to Reply

Bob posted this comment: "Hello again. As much as I love this website, it seems like it's a joke and no one is taking me seriously. I have a very sentetive personality and please choose your words carefully. Although I can smell all of you all the way from Derbyshire - you and the keyboard, still please be carefull about your vocabulary. If I could, I would hire a phsychiatrist, but I am afraid I will be so traumatized, that I would eat him and then would be in depression for the.... for the next couple of centuries. Since I am gifted in a way that I can understand animal talk. So I made this sheep friend. I do apologise for all the details but I had to share it with someone else, since my fellow sheep friend Delilah seems to be eating. Go ahead if you think of any questions,

Hello Bob,
I'm extremely sorry to have offended you and meant no harm. I can assure you that I take all vampire matters very seriously. I think you are wise to keep away from humans while still young. Please do not apologize for expressing your very interesting ways. Your gift is not one I have heard of before, but one quite remarkable. Please pass on my best wishes to Delilah and your mate.
Many Thanks again!


  1. I broke up with my cooky making soulmate. She ate Delilah. She's a carnivore apparently! I could show her who is the REAL carnivore in the house. But I was too destressed with the death of my one and only... I feel like no one has understood me as well as that mighty young sheep... Even you, Dr Rubens! And you referred to this book "Twilight".... I hate it! It mocks everything a proud vampire has/does. I am not satifsfied. At all. This is too much for me. First, all of my friends make fun of me and do not see the masculine side of vampires 'cause they think I have a skin problem (shining in the light) and I seem to poke myself with a toothbrush - that explains the smell of blood. Goodbye, as I am off to Saskatchewan. My friend Delilah's been eaten...
    Yours, the only lonely and misunderstood vampire in the world,

  2. I spelled cookie wrong. My apologies.
