Sunday, December 27, 2009

Reply to Bob's Reply to Reply to Reply to Reply

Bob posted this comment: "I bought a house in Notting Hill. As far away from Derbyshire as possible. As I can't go back to Zimbabwe due to horrific experiences (racoon friend killed) I will stay in London, hoping to meet some other vampire. I did not meet anyone yet but I guess I'm pretty immortal so I have quite a lot of time to wait. I'll keep my identity anonymous (I know I just told the whole world I'm a vampire, however they do not know how I look like! Nom nom nom...).
I shall wait till your next helpful comment. Meanwhile, I'll go visit Delilah.
R.I.P. baby!!!!!!!!1

Dear Bob,
I have been in Notting Hill recently as I was meeting up with a few vampire friends. There are many vampires there. I am sure you will find a mate while you are there. I'm terribly sorry to hear about all of your animal friends dying, but perhaps that is to be expected what with you being immortal and them only living a few years. I'm sure people will have trouble identifying you but I'm glad to see that grief hasn't crippled your common sense. I'm sure Delilah was a fantastic sheep and it probably will take some time to move on, but you'll manage.
Dr. Rubens

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I have not been posting any comments in quite a while!! May I say, your picture is quite genius. Um...what is it? Oh I did not find any vampires in Notting Hill so I guess I'll be off to Romania soon - the land of vampires - let's see if it's true! With all of my respect Dr Rubin, I was NOT expecting Delilah to go caput!!! She was supposed to live a long happy life... Marry someday...And occasionally become a happy sheepma,with loads of sheepsons and sheepdaughters...She was beautiful. She had a beautiful Elvis style - fringe. Those eyes were a bit spooky but whatever! she was beautiful in her own way. I would post a picture of her but it won't let me.
    Toodles.... God why am i so cheerful...
    Goodbye, my friend. I think this is more dramatic and demonstrates how mature and also depressed I am.
